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Heat Map Help

Hello Everybody,

I want to create a Heat Map(Mekko chart)

The requirement is like this All the critical application should be in the centre and those are normal that should be left or right.

Application Name Cateogory

ATLAS          Critical
QlikView  Critical
Bridge   Critical
CARRS   Normal
ConCert   Critical
EDR   Normal
eAccounts  Normal
IBIS   Normal

Thanks in advance


2 Replies

heat map and mekko are different charts (see image)

and I suppose you need some expression also to get a chart

these example are from Data Visualization, you can find in Qlik installation folder,

C:\Program Files\QlikView\Examples\Documents

and you can also copy it in your new Qlik doc; then change dimensions and expressions


Not applicable


I think that you can use a bar chart to effectively to do this.  A TreeMap or Mekko chart seem very complicated for the data you describe.

The attached application will split your Normal status into 2 categories (0 and 2) using simple odd/even logic to get an even split.  Then it will assign a category of 1 for the Critical status.  When you sort by these categories, you can get the criticals in the middle.

Since QlikView will create empty groups in grouped bar charts (I am new to QV, but have not seen anyone been able to answer how to hide these empty groups.  Apparently it is "working as intended" ), I have done the order by in the load portion and you can then sort in your chart by RecNo.

The green/red color uses the background color property of the dimension and overrides the color defaults.

Hope that works or gets you closer!

load * inline
['Application Name', 'Category', 'Value',
'ATLAS',          Critical, 100,
'QlikView',  Critical, 125,
'Bridge',   Critical, 75,
'CARRS',   Normal, 50,
'ConCert',   Critical, 175,
'EDR',   Normal, 75,
'eAccounts',  Normal, 125,
'IBIS',   Normal, 100


if (mod(RowNo(),2) = 0,'0','2') as SortOrder
resident OriginalData
where Category = 'Normal'
as SortOrder
resident OriginalData
where Category = 'Critical'
DROP Table OriginalData
load *,
resident TempData
Order by SortOrder, [Application Name]
drop table TempData