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How can I make an cumulative in a pivot graph in which Sums the register of a certain action?

Hi, I want to do a pivot graph with to variables, in one hand, the register by YearMonth of a product, and in the other, the number of weeks between the acquisition and the first time that the client use it. I need to count the number of clients that already use the product over a specific number of weeks, but I want to do an cumulative of the registers, to do that I use 'before' or 'after' but only gives me the last register so if I am in the week 4, only gives me the week 3 to sum it, I want the week 3, 2 and 1. How can I do that? Thanks

2 Replies

Have you combined Before/After with RangeSum? May be look here:

Accumulative Sums

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