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NPrinting - QlikView NPrinting can't find a supported reporting template editor for the file

Good Afternoon all,

I am a complete newbie to NPrinting and have stumbled across an issue when trying to develop report templates in excel and powerpoint, this problem does not persist in the other reporting options.

When I try and edit a template I have created in either excel/powerpoint I am faced with the error message "QlikView NPrinting can't find a supported reporting template editor for the file  C:\Users\Public\Documents\NPrinting\Template\ExcelReport template.xlsx"

I have the NPrinting designer version installed locally, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software but the issue still remains.



2 Replies


  • Do you have MS Excel (or PowerPoint if you are attempting to manage a PPT template) on your machine?
  • If so, which version exactly? Is it virtualized?

Please refer to the following page for details about requiremets: Requirements for NPrinting 14 and following versions – Customer Feedback for Vizubi

In particular:

  • Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013 (32 or 64 bit) only on the computers on which templates will be created.
  • NPrinting will function properly on both physical and virtual machines. In both configurations, NPrinting requires that QlikView and Microsoft Office (for development only) are installed on the same machine. NPrinting will not function if it is installed on one machine and the virtualized applications are installed on different machines.
Not applicable

Alos, there is an issue with registry setting that can cause this error (I have encountered it myself) with certain version of office (2013)

see article tied to this link

Workaround for MicroSoft Office 2013 error: "Cannot find a supported template editor" – Customer Fee...