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    Connectivity & Data Prep

    Is DB encryption enabled on this PostGres DB?

    Hi Qlik Sense Fam, Requesting your assistance with this issue. We would like to ask is DB encryption is enabled on this PostGres DB?  If not enabled, ... Show More

    Hi Qlik Sense Fam,

    Requesting your assistance with this issue. We would like to ask is DB encryption is enabled on this PostGres DB?  If not enabled, feasible can simply be enabled and no impact on the Qlik Sense? Also, how to know if the current PostGres DB used has a password or is encrypted?

    Thank you.

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    Catalog and Lineage

    Domino's Pizza Tracker-type graphic

    Completely new to Qlik. I'm been asked to create a a "Domino's pizza tracker" like graphic that is colored based on the status of the activity. A user... Show More

    Completely new to Qlik. I'm been asked to create a a "Domino's pizza tracker" like graphic that is colored based on the status of the activity. A user could then click on a "section" to get more details. Does anyone know how I could go about creating something like this?

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    Deployment & Management

    Pros and cons of migrating from version May2023 to Feb2024

    Hi All, We are running Qlik Sense on premise May 2023 version (with patch 13). we want to upgrade to the latest version Feb2024 or latest (still on pr... Show More

    Hi All,

    We are running Qlik Sense on premise May 2023 version (with patch 13).

    we want to upgrade to the latest version Feb2024 or latest (still on prem).

    Could anyone please suggest if there is any constraints or blockers or limitations we should take care of?

    Many Thanks


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    Connectivity & Data Prep

    Data loading and synthetic keys

    I have multiple qvds uploaded in my data load editor with each qvd containing a few datapoints that have similar data but different column names. I cr... Show More

    I have multiple qvds uploaded in my data load editor with each qvd containing a few datapoints that have similar data but different column names. I created aliases for each to join each other but that created multiple synthetic keys. I want to join these tables so that these common fields can become filters on the dahboard. I can not concatenate the tables since the names are not the same in each table. Adding an example of data below. 

    Table 1: 

    Table 2:


    The filters that I want to create are Product Names, Project Names & City Name. 
    Please suggest how. I also tried creating joins but creating multiple joins for more than 20 tables doesn't work either. 

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    Design and Development

    Getting Error Message java.sql. SQLRecoverableException:Closed Connection while ...

    I am getting a Error Code 1Error Message java.sql.SQLRecoverableException:Closed Connection error while a talend job is running on a production server... Show More

    I am getting a Error Code 1Error Message java.sql.SQLRecoverableException:Closed Connection error while a talend job is running on a production server but am unable to diagnose while this is happening.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can go about diagnosing this?

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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Set analysis with list of variable

    Hi, could you help me with my variable, which I need to use in set analysis variable:vDistrict=Concat(DISTINCT chr(39)&Dim_LT&chr(39),',')My variable ... Show More


    could you help me with my variable, which I need to use in set analysis

    vDistrict=Concat(DISTINCT chr(39)&Dim_LT&chr(39),',')
    My variable has values: palo173_0-1713184742932.png

    Expression return 0, but it is wrong result:
    Sum({< Fakt = {'Fakt_1'}, Rok = {'$(vRokDND)'}, [District] = {'=ValueList($(vDistrict))'} >}[#Reg])

    Thank you


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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Table and column values - data model

    How can I achieve this?        
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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Filter in Formel Editor abbilden

    Hallo Zusammen,ich bin recht unerfahren in der Nutzung von Qlik und würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand einen Tipp geben könnte. Ich müsste einen ... Show More

    Hallo Zusammen,
    ich bin recht unerfahren in der Nutzung von Qlik und würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand einen Tipp geben könnte.

    Ich müsste einen Filter definieren der aus einer Auswahl von Werten einer vorhandenen Tabelle besteht. Die Tabelle hat über 3000 Einträge aus der man mehrere Hundert Werte auswählen müsste, um mit diesen Werten bestehende Arbeitsblätter zu filtern. Die Auswahl aus dem Drop-Down Menü ist mühsam und fehleranfällig, weshalb ich einen Weg suche den Filter mit dem Formeleditor abzubilden. Die Filterwerte würden in Textform vorliegen.

    Gibt es eine Funktion mit der man das Arbeitsblatt wie gewünscht filtern kann? Bestenfalls würde ich diesem Filter gerne einen Namen geben und ihn als Drop-Down Auswahl zu Verfügung stellen. Könnte mir aber auch mit entsprechenden Lesezeichen behelfen.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus für Eure Hilfe.

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    Move to SaaS

    Issue in Qlik Sense connectivity to Office 365 SharePoint

    Hi, I'm trying to connect SharePoint via Qlik Sense. Below steps i followed,  1. Creating a new data connection.  2. Choosing  the data source "Office... Show More

    Hi, I'm trying to connect SharePoint via Qlik Sense. Below steps i followed, 

    1. Creating a new data connection. 

    2. Choosing  the data source "Office 365 Sharepoint"

    3. Then given the base URL of Office 365 Sharepoint in the baseURL.

    4. Then choose the "None" from Prompt/Consent level. 

    5. Click on Authenticate button. Then it will take to next tab and code generated. Then copied code and paste in the respective tab. Then clicked on the Authenticate tab. 

    6. After that taking some time and faced the error. Below is the error message,

    "error verifying: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond "Some IP ("

    kindly suggest

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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Display alternate text for NULL

    Hi, I have a fact table (f_table) and dimension table (d_table) with below fields. f_table: country_cd, measure_1 d_table: country_cd, country_desc In... Show More


    I have a fact table (f_table) and dimension table (d_table) with below fields.

    f_table: country_cd, measure_1

    d_table: country_cd, country_desc

    In Qlik Sense data manager, I associate both the tables on country_cd field. 

    Now I add a bar chart to display measure_1 against country_desc. There are many country codes in my fact table which are not in dimension table. All these are displayed against '-' in my bar chart. But I want to display it as 'Unknown'.

    QS - Question.jpg

    I tried changing the dimension (in bar chart) from just "country_desc" to "if(isnull(country_desc), 'Unknown',country_desc)" but it does not help.

    Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

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Qlik Data Integration & Qlik Replicate story

Qlik enables a frictionless migration to AWS cloud by Empresas SB, a group of Chilean health and beauty retail companies employing 10,000 people with 600 points of sale.

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Building a Collaborative Analytics Space

Qlik Luminary Stephanie Robinson of JBS USA, the US arm of the global food company employing 70,000 in the US, and over 270,000 people worldwide.

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