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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

ODAG Generated App - Show the Field selections of Selection app in Template app in selections Bar.

I am using ODAG for one of my reporting requirements. Is there a way to pass the selected field values from Selection App to Template App and display them on a KPI or label.

As the user would be generating the on demand app more frequently,  user might not be able to understand/track what selections were made to generate each of those on-demand apps. Hence, there is a need to show the selected values in the generated Template app.

I am able to get the selected fields in the SELECTION APP by using current selections but I would like to know a way to pass those to template generated app.

Labels (2)
3 Replies
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hi PradeepS, 

you want to display the selections made in the selection app in the template ? 

Just use the odag binding variables to display them.  

Depending on the bindings you have used they look like ods_field or odagn_field. 

More details on adage bindings can be found here (

A caption could look like "= 'Selctions made in field 1: '& $(odagn_filed1) ".

Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the suggestion. I need to pass the FIELD NAMES to be selected in the Template app.

Let's say if I am selecting FIELDS Month Year and Region in selection app, then the template app will be sliced based on the selection of above fields but when I open the template app, the FIELDS MONTH YEAR and REGION should be preselected in the template app showing that these are the selections that I have done in selection app.

How to achieve this!


@pradeepS This seems like it might be pretty much the same thing. If you know which ODAG variables have been populated with values, you should be able to know which fields were selected, unless you're using implicit selections in your ODAG. If you are using implicits, you could pass additional variables that are just the selected values for this specific use case.