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I have Pivot Table, Where used Fiscal Year (Financial Year) Drill Down as dimension and Sum of the Amount of the Period as Measure. Up to these its working fine, Now I want to add one more measure is Sum of the Max date of the Period but due to some technical difficulties i am unable to get it.
For more Information please attached Image :-
Here "Hard Coded Max date Sum" column is just for the Test purpose, Which is exactly what i want into SUM of MAX Date(Dynamically instead of Hard coded value).
I tried with following condition :-
sum(DAYSCLOSINGBALANCE*if(BALANCEDATE=aggr(nodistinct max(BALANCEDATE), FiscalYear),1,0))
But after drilling down(FiscalYear) it not working. e.g ->FiscalYear -> Fiscal Month -> BalanceDate
Try this: