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i have period filter , if we have selected Period=YTD, , need to common customers present both current year YTD (from 01-01-2024 to 01-29-2024 ) -Previous Year YTD(from 01-01-2023 to 01-29-2023 ).
by default sheet is in YTD,
i have used below formula, but it was giving 0,
Count(distinct {1<PYTD={1}, CYTD={1}, delv_qty={">0"}>} sold_to_desc).
when i take single either pytd or cytd , it is giving count of customers of the year
Count(distinct {1<CYTD={1},delv_qty={">0"}>} sold_to_desc)
while taking common customers in both years giving me 0,, but actualy have common customers please let me know how to resolve that
Separate the CYTD and PYTD, use P() along with intersection (*) operator.
Count( {<Sold_to_Desc = P({<CYTD={1},Delv_Qty={">0"}>})> * < Sold_to_Desc = P({<PYTD={1},Delv_Qty={">0"}>})> } distinct Sold_to_Desc)