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Hi Guys, Good Afternoon!
The following Master Calendar is working very fine for Classic Calendar purpose:
Trace ==========================;
Trace Load TAB "Master Calendar";
Trace --------------------------;
Mapping Load
RowNo() as Month,
'Q' & Ceil(RowNo() / 3) as Quarter
Min([Calendário Mestre.Data]) as minDate,
Max([Calendário Mestre.Data]) as maxDate
Resident [Minha Tabela];
Let varMinDate = Num(Peek('minDate', 0, 'Temp'));
Let varMaxDate = Num(Peek('maxDate', 0, 'Temp'));
Drop Table Temp;
$(varMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 as Num,
Date($(varMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as TempDate
While $(varMinDate) + IterNo() -1 <= $(varMaxDate);
[Calendário Mestre]:
Year(TempDate) as [Calendário Mestre.Ano],
Month(TempDate) as [Calendário Mestre.Mês],
Day(TempDate) as [Calendário Mestre.Dia],
ApplyMap('QuartersMap', Month(TempDate), Null()) as [Calendário Mestre.Trimestre],
WeekDay(TempDate) as [Calendário Mestre.Dia da Semana]
Resident TempCalendar
Order By TempDate asc;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
But recently I need to add a feature called Fiscal Year Calendar on structure above.
So I'd like a suggestion related:
Andre Moreira
Hi Alessandro,
Let me try it!
Andre Moreira
So based on example from Henric let me to adapt the example to my code:
// TODO - Implement the Fiscal Year feature
Set vFirstMonth = 3;
// TODO - Implement the Fiscal Year feature
Year(TempDate) + If(Month(TempDate) >= $(vFirstMonth), 1, 0) as [Calendário Mestre.Ano Fiscal],
Mod(Month(TempDate) - $(vFirstMonth), 12) + 1 as [Calendário Mestre.Mês Fiscal]
Until now trying to do the rule above works.
Andre Moreira
The example not worked.
Additionally I tried to write manually the Quarters Map:
Mapping Load * Inline [
Month, Quarter
1, Q4
2, Q4
3, Q1
4, Q1
5, Q1
6, Q2
7, Q2
8, Q2
9, Q3
10, Q3
11, Q3
12, Q4
But for Q4 not worked very well.
Assuming the example that Q4 means a range between dec-2017, jan-2018 and feb-2018.
My data model understood that Q4 is the range between dec-2017, jan-2017 and feb-2017.
Do you have another suggestion?
Andre Moreira
Someone has another suggestion?
Andre Moreira
How is your environment variables looks like? If you change Month from 4 - 3. It will start from 3 that means March as you needed
Hello Andre,
Did you arrive at any solution of having calendar year and fiscal year in the same script?
can you share the output in this forum?