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This is not a questions so I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this? But I hope it is shareable and informative, it was fun anyway and I hope it prompts other users to contribute any similar experiments!
I suspect like other QDC users we have several dataflow constructs where output from dataflow A is input to dataflow B and so on...
An example of such a dependency tree is given below, where Octagons are QDC Sources, Rectangles Dataflows and Ellipses are Entities. The arrowheads show the direction of the data flow as either into a dataflow (LOADER) or output from the dataflow (STORE).
I am not aware of any QDC feature that can currently produce this inter-dataflow dependency (but I would be happy to be corrected!), so I built one - this was constructed in Python by creating a graph (DAG) where the Nodes and edges were derived directly from the QDC metadata database.
Possible uses for this information are:
I have fully described the process in this github repository podium-dataflow-dependency-tree
Added support for node styles in the yaml config file. "Styles" control the node shapes, colours etc. The result is - I hope! -cleaner looking output.
Added support for node styles in the yaml config file. "Styles" control the node shapes, colours etc. The result is - I hope! -cleaner looking output.
Given the output a cleanup and added support for node styles in the yaml.
Must show you my dataflow viewer sometime Joe - example below of our largest dataflow 115 objects (including sources and target)!
Update for you. As part of the June Release, we will be adding a lineage dependency image that looks very similar to what you are looking for. I will be adding an update on the community page of the new features of QDC today, but wanted to alert you so that you can take a look at the post.