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Please let me know how to hide measures for which values are reflecting Zero for all Columns in Dimensions.
As per Screenshot,
BSName is Dimension (Field)
Sum(*****) are measures where **** are fields
where **** represents are multiple Fields as mentioned in screesshot.
My requirement is
I want to hide measure where all values are reflecting Zero in all BSnames
Ex : Sum(InterEnbOutQosFailTimerExp) is reflecting Zero for all three columns. It should not be displayed in Pivot table.
I have untick Zero values in Add-ons tab but couldnt helpful.
This is happening because the values are not exact 'zero' they might be for eg: 0.2 or 0.6 etc
To resolve apply a condition that the values must be greater than one or change the number formatting of the measure value.
No.. I'm sure that.. all Fields has Zero values only because that particular fields never report decimal values.
Anyhow I have applied following expression in measure to check, Still its not showing Zero Value & all the values are suppressed, refer below snapshot for the same.
Please someone look in to this..
May be:
Modify the measure something like this:
Aggr(if(not isnull(num(firstsortedvalue(aggr(sum(Measure),SBname),- Aggr(sum(Measure),SBname),'#,##0' )),SBname),SBname))
Un-check "Include Zero values" in Add-ons tab won't work for this scenario.
Thanks for the revert & still its not working, Expression is working fine after making some changes as below.
not isnull(num(firstsortedvalue(aggr(Sum(UeAssocS1ConnestabFailRNwUnspecified),BSName),
My requirement is , It should the row should not be displayed when there are all Zeros.
Please check
Thanks in Advance
have you tried removing the filter on Dimension to include null values ?
In dimension, I never applied any filter and unticked values on Include Null values under dimension.
Still no luck.