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Our attempt to upgrade from February 2024 to November 2024 failed. The ServiceDispatcher.log shows this:
CAQuietExec: DataPrepService configuration started.
CAQuietExec: WARNING: Skiping the database initialization. No superuser or password specified.
CAQuietExec: Creating schema 'dataprep_service'.
CAQuietExec: Return Value to check : 'True ?column?
CAQuietExec: ----------
CAQuietExec: (0 rows)
CAQuietExec: '
CAQuietExec: True
CAQuietExec: Error executing database command "CREATE SCHEMA "dataprep_service" AUTHORIZATION "qliksenserepository"": ERROR:
CAQuietExec: permission denied for database SenseServices
CAQuietExec: At C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\DataPrepService\install\install-utils\Postgres.ps1:109 char:9
CAQuietExec: + throw "Error executing database command "" ...
CAQuietExec: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CAQuietExec: + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) , Exception
CAQuietExec: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error executing database command "CREATE SCHEMA "dataprep_service" AUTHORIZATION "qlikse
CAQuietExec: nserepository"": ERROR: permission denied for database SenseServices
CAQuietExec: Warning: Schema 'dataprep_service' already exists. So, skipping the step!
Is it likely that we entered the postgres superuser password incorrectly during the upgrade? I haven't tried again yet, because the first time was catastrophic (QS was hosed).
I really wish the installer checked the password before it gets to a point of no return. It seems that it had already deleted a bunch of stuff by the time it got to this point, and it couldn't successfully roll back to the previous state.
@Lauri did you revert to a snapshot and then attempt again?
We reverted but didn't attempt again. I was hoping to get some clues here about the root cause before trying again. (It takes a little while for our cloud host to restore the snapshot, so that's a factor.)
@Andre_Sostizzo would your article be valid for this?
Thanks for your help, @David_Friend . Can you confirm that the QS installer will continue the installation even if the postgres superuser password entered is incorrect? That would help me decide if I should try again. (We unfortunately have only our one environment - production. So I can't easily test this.)