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Hi Team,
Can any one help me with setting up the excel based UDC to integrate Users with Custom Property & Role.
i have created a excel which contain 2 sheet,
sheet1 contains:
userid | name |
qdiuser2 | qdiuser2 |
qdiuser1 | qdiuser1 |
sheet2 contains:
userid | type | value |
qdiuser2 | UserStreamCP | Sales |
qdiuser2 | USERAPPCP | Sales Dashboard |
qdiuser2 | roles | DeveloperAdmin |
qdiuser1 | roles | ContentAdmin |
Excel UDC Connection created successfully,
After UDC sync i can see those roles & custom property is assign to user. under info section
but still this user role & custom property is not reflection in Audit metrics(Hub / QMC)
Same property if i assigned from QMC -> user -> Role & Customer Property manually then its working fine.
Note: i have created Customer Property with Stream & App level rule in QMC , which is working fine for the user when assigning value to users from QMC manually.
Any one face similar issue while fetching users roles/custom property from excel using UDC.
If you go with using the UDC, adjust the rule to be ((user.UserStreamCP=resource.@UserStreamCP))
The @ notation signifies a custom property and as mentioned, a UDC does not assign custom properties. But you have brought in an attribute named UserStreamCP which you can use to match against the custom property applied to the resource (app, stream, whatever).
UDCs do not assign custom properties. UDCs fetch user meta-data which can be used combined with custom properties in security rules (or you can manually / programmatically assign the custom properties to the users). What is an example of your security rule?
Hi Levi,
My Stream level security rule is based on Custom Property, Resource & User.
If you go with using the UDC, adjust the rule to be ((user.UserStreamCP=resource.@UserStreamCP))
The @ notation signifies a custom property and as mentioned, a UDC does not assign custom properties. But you have brought in an attribute named UserStreamCP which you can use to match against the custom property applied to the resource (app, stream, whatever).