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Creator III
Creator III

Qlik Sense mUlti Node Load Balancing Rule

l just installed Qlik Sense 11/2019 release. I  have a Central Node and one RIm Node.  I have the Repository and Engine service running on Rim Node and all services  running on Central Node. Now when I go into Central Node QMC, I can see the 2 Default load balancing rules.  Attached please find the default rules.

What modifications I need to do  on those  as per Qlik's Best Practices

2 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

 These are the default rules that have always been included with the product.  Load balancing is crucial if you are trying to keep groups of users from impacting others.  We have a central node / four rim node installation.  We have two load balancing rules that direct certain groups of users to groups of two rim nodes.  This only applies to certain high-use streams so that the load of the apps doesn't trounce our rim nodes.  All other streams get sent to any node.


Personally, in a two node installation I would not use load balancing because you'll be directing people to a single node all the time.  If that node ever goes down those users will not be served content even though the other node could handle it. 


As @andoryuu  said, with a two node site, I wouldn't fiddle with the rules. You don't have enough nodes to get too fancy when it comes to isolating applications to node(s).

The only adjustment which makes sense to me is to:

  • Duplicate the default ResourcesOnNonCentralNodes
    • Give the new rule an arbitrary name (e.g. All Apps on RIM nodes)
    • Copy the Resource Filter from the original
    • Enable the Load Balancing action
    • Copy the conditions from the original
      • Remove the second clause. Example:
        • Original: ((node.iscentral="false" and!="a70ca8a5-1d59-4cc9-b5fa-6e207978dcaf"))
        • New: ((node.iscentral="false"))
    • Set the Context to Both
  • Disable the ResourcesOnNonCentralNodes rule


Rationale: The default rule isolates any apps in the Monitoring Apps stream away from RIM nodes. This usually doesn't make sense for most organizations.