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Hi, i have a what i think is a fairly simple requirement. I need to be able to report on what custom properties all of our users have. I can use the 'monitor_apps_REST_user' connector to access the list of users and there is a sub table for 'customProperties', but although it provides a __KEY_root, the '@value' field is always blank. Also i can't see how to link the user details from root to the customProperties table. Against a user, the custom properties look like this.
How can i achieve a simple app that can report these custom property elements that each user has?
I would really appreciate any help with this, thank you all in advance!
btw, the reason why i'm attempting to do that is because we use these customProperties to assign stream access, a fairly common approach, but i have no way of reporting who has access to each stream without checking each user individually. There are security/monitoring apps that can tell me who has accessed streams and apps but not who has the potential to access them.
Having the exact same issue trying to achieve the exact same thing.
I found a workaround using the Qlik Repository database instead of the API. I've put my solution in this thread: https://community.qlik.com/t5/Deployment-Management/QlikSense-QRS-Custom-property/td-p/1609352