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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Repository Service stop after upgrade

Hi Qlikkers,

I have an issue with QSEoW. A little of history: We was in an old version of QSEoW with PostgreSQL 9.6. We was upgrading the versions until Feb 2023 in were we used QPI tools to move the PostgreSQL from 9.6 to 14 version. The process ran fine. For about 2 weeks we was testing the environment without problems.

Yesterday, we tried to upgrade the platform to August 2023 and found the following errors:

a.- The Repository Services was down after few second to start it. Every time we started it, the service was down

We tried with a repair process, but the problem persisted

Checking the repository logs we found the following error:

20241121T184125.852-0500  ERROR QliksenseMasnew         b9db3d76-4020-4f9b-ad73-4561e0971328 Command=Start repository;Result=-2146233088;ResultText=Error: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(Qlik.Sense.Logging.IQSLogManager, Repository.Core.INodeConfig, Qlik.Sense.Communication.Security.ICertSetup, Qlik.Sense.Common.Communication.REST.Server.IRESTEngineFactory, Repository.Core.ISystemInformation, Qlik.Sense.Common.Logging.ILogMaster)' on type 'ApiService'. ---> An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(Qlik.Sense.Common.ITypeResolver, System.Func`1[Repository.Core.Repository.Database.Common.IDatabaseContext], Autofac.ILifetimeScope, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.ITransactionUtility, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.IRepositoryEntityCache, Repository.Core.INodeConfig, Qlik.Sense.Logging.IQSLogManager, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.ILifetimeScopeEntityCache, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.IEntityFrameworkExtendedWrapper)' on type 'EntityTransactionRepository'. ---> An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'DatabaseContext'. ---> The given key was not present in the dictionary. (See inner exception for details.) (See inner exception for details.) (See inner exception for details.)      0            0            0            INTERNAL         System 0            Not available            Repository         Not available    Not available    Start repository              -2146233088     An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(Qlik.Sense.Common.ITypeResolver, System.Func`1[Repository.Core.Repository.Database.Common.IDatabaseContext], Autofac.ILifetimeScope, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.ITransactionUtility, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.IRepositoryEntityCache, Repository.Core.INodeConfig, Qlik.Sense.Logging.IQSLogManager, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.ILifetimeScopeEntityCache, Repository.Core.Repository.Common.IEntityFrameworkExtendedWrapper)' on type 'EntityTransactionRepository'. ---> An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'DatabaseContext'. ---> The given key was not present in the dictionary. (See inner exception for details.) (See inner exception for details.)               b9db3d76-4020-4f9b-ad73-4561e0971328

Checking the Event Viewer, just only found this error:

ERROR: column c.CreatedOn does not exist at character 10 STATEMENT: SELECT c."CreatedOn" FROM "__MigrationHistory" AS c LIMIT 1

We back to a previous backup .. we have a windows time the next week to try again the process but I would like to have some actions if the problems happens again.


Thanks in advanced


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5 Replies

Hi, did you executed the process to uninstall the old database service?

The step 16 of this article:


Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hi Ruben,

Thanks for your suggestion, I was browsing "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache" and searched "PostgreSQL" and found the following MSI file:


If I do the same in my other environments ( Test and Dev ) I found a PostgreSQL14.msi

So, It look like that something is wrong in the Prod environment, the msi for PostgreSQL14 in not present.


Are there any way to fix this situation?

I will appreciate any tips,




Hi Gabriel,

After doing the upgrade of postgresql it's ok to only find PostgreSQL.msi, if you have already upgraded the repository database and you have the postgresql-x64-14service as in the 12th step, just follow the 16th step: right click on PostgreSQL.msi and uninstall.

This is a required step to make the next major upgrades.


  • Any solution on this topic as I am facing exactly same issue. Only happened in production.

Hi, did you executed the process to uninstall the old database service?

The step 16 of this article: