Hey Guys - this particular post may not be relevant to everyone, yet it is an integral part of making sure that a software's capabilities can be used by those who have impairments. With the release of Qlik Sense June 2018, we have added some new accessibility conformance features that comply with WCAG 2.0 standards. To learn how we are making Qlik Sense more accessible to everyone, please check out this brief video below. Please let us know what you think and post any question, I'll be happy to address them.
This is much more important than many people think. And has gone under my radar until now.
EU now demands that website provided by the public (government) sector must be accessible by "everyone", also people that cannot see, or cannot use a mouse, for example. There are also regulations coming up dictating that this (WCAG) requirement will also apply to tools used by the public sector internally.
It does affect a lot of users. And it would have affected a lot of potential sales, if WCAG was lacking.
Hi, there is a mention of screen reader tags but the example does not have it. search in help did not give any result for screen reader tags. how can this be implemented?
@Ken_T re keyboard navigation, the sample does show how to focus on the embedded qlik object allow for keyboard navigation
function handleKeydown(event, vis, element) {
var visualization = document.getElementById(element);
if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { // Space, Enter
if (vis.isToggled) {
visualization.querySelector('.qv-st td').focus();
}else {
toggle(vis, element);
} else if (event.which === 27 && vis.isToggled &&
visualization.querySelector(".qv-selection-toolbar") === null) { // Esc
toggle(vis, element);
document.getElementById("linechart").addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
handleKeydown(event, vis1, "QV01");
what you say is not how we experience it. when we embed a straight table in our mashup, it is seen by the screen reader as an empty table. the mashup in the help document also does not announce the embedded object. when i tab to the line chart visual, the screen reader would announce it as "line chart section" - apparently it just uses the name assigned to it. it does not announce anything else.
is it not possible to influence what is announced?
I know in a mashup, it is the developers responsibility to do the required coding to make the accessibility stuff work, including keyboard navigation.
However - in the EMBEDDED SHEET, (formerly known as single configurator), this is from the qlik app. the items in the sheet object, do not appear to have any sort of qlik configuration that can help with keyboard navigation, which is big part of 508 accessibility. How can an app developer set up their SHEET so that when it is embedded somewhere, it supports 508 accessibility keyboard navigation ?
@edwin - please contact support this may be a bug we need to fix - all our native visualizations should behave the same in mashups
@Ken_T I, unfortunately, don't have a satisfactory response - we, obviously need to create more documentation around accessibility - but when embedding iframes (single sheets), there's probably a way (in javascript or similar) to assist keyboard navigation so it focuses and/or blur into/from the target object