Hi Everyone,
I am not a web developer and am learning as I go so please pardon me if I am not using the correct jargon
I have a requirement to create a mashup in Angular (not Angular JS). I was able to make a package on my local using Angular 10. If i use the usual method of accessing the website Localhost:.../../... with visual studio open I am able to open the mashup and the mashup is pulling the required objects from the qlik sense app.
My question is as follows...
When a mashup is made using angular JS , it can be stored on your local at .../extensions/name/name.html and if we want to open the mashup all we have to do is make sure the qliksense desktop is open and then open localhost:4848/extension/name/name.html on chrome.
What do i have to do for my angular package to mimic the same behavior. If i post my entire package under extensions ,will the qlik sense desktop running and chrome be able to open the angular package?
If yes what will be my link? In angular JS finding the link name was easy but I am unsure how to do this using Angular 10.
The Angular package created is very big in size (100s of MBS), will this work if I zip it and upload on server?