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Hi guys,
I am getting this 4004 error in qlik sense can anyone help me with this
Hi Tanuja, can you please provide more details?
Where are you seeing this 4004?
Never heard about 4004 error in Qlik, but there was another post about it recently. https://community.qlik.com/t5/App-Development/Receive-ErrorCode-4004-in-connection-with-INTERVALMATC...
@Christiann : did you solve or get an understanding of your 4004 error issue? Do you have any info about this to share with @tanuja ?
We are getting this error during script execution with very large tables, particularly in operations that use many resources, like a join.
There is no documentation on this error yet, but it looks like we are hitting some resource threshold on Qlik Cloud.
Further examination of the affected apps in App Analyzer and Reload Analyzer indicates that the app where the error occurred is not exceeding memory quota, but it does exceed the app record threshold (100,000,000) and table record threshold (50,000,000).
This seems to be consistent with the opinion that 4004 is related to resource consumption.
Until we know more, my advice would be to reduce the load as much as possible, maybe segmenting the operations you are trying to perform on the script.
Hope this helps.
A 4004 means that the app has been deleted from memory on the engine. The exact reason for this may vary, but quite often this happens due to load shedding on the engine where the app is open. The engine will sometimes move sessions between nodes, and 4004 is the code returned when this happens. It will typically be sufficient to reconnect to the same app, and it will be available again, probably on a different engine in the QCS environment.
If you get 4004 consistently, then I'd assume there is an issue with your app and that you have some memory intensive computation going on in there that is unhealthy.
I recently made this related post on another thread that might be of interest: