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Hi all,
I have a date time range - Start date and End date.
What I want to Create is a sequence between the start and end date time, like auto-generated rows between the start and end date and hours.
For example, what I have now is:
SourceID, ObjectID, Start time, End time
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:00, 28/02/2019 16:05
2, 67890, 01/03/2019 23:59, 02/03/2019 0:02
What I would like to see is:
ObjectID, Date Time
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:00
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:01
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:02
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:03
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:04
1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:05
2, 67890, 01/03/2019 23:59
2, 67890, 02/03/2019 0:00
2, 67890, 02/03/2019 0:01
2, 67890, 02/03/2019 0:02
Can you help me how to make this on the script?
I missed single quotes and replaced DD <-> MM in timestamp format.
Also changed round function to floor. Difference is:
round: 16:00:45 -> 16:01
floor: 16:00:45 -> 16:00
LET vMinuteNumConst = 1 / 24 / 60; // 1 day / 24 hours / 60 minutes or MakeTime(0, 1); tmp: LOAD *, Timestamp([Start time] + (IterNo() - 1) * '$(vMinuteNumConst)') as 'Date Time' While [Start time] + (IterNo() - 1) * '$(vMinuteNumConst)' <= [End time]; LOAD SourceID, ObjectID, Timestamp(floor(timestamp#([Start Time], 'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss'), '$(vMinuteNumConst)')) as 'Start time', Timestamp(floor(timestamp#([End Time], 'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss'), '$(vMinuteNumConst)')) as 'End time' Inline [ SourceID, ObjectID, Start Time, End Time 1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:00:50, 28/02/2019 16:05:00 2, 67890, 01/03/2019 23:59:45, 02/03/2019 0:02:20 ];
@mrybalko still not working.
Please check it with the following inline load example:
LET vMinuteNumConst = 1 / 24 / 60; // 1 day / 24 hours / 60 minutes or MakeTime(0, 1); tmp: LOAD *, Timestamp([Start time] + (IterNo() - 1) * '$(vMinuteNumConst)') as 'Date Time' While [Start time] + (IterNo() - 1) * '$(vMinuteNumConst)' <= [End time]; LOAD SourceID, ObjectID, Timestamp(floor(timestamp#([Start Time], 'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss'), '$(vMinuteNumConst)')) as 'Start time', Timestamp(floor(timestamp#([End Time], 'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss'), '$(vMinuteNumConst)')) as 'End time' Inline [ SourceID, ObjectID, Start Time, End Time 1, 12345, 28/02/2019 16:02:50, 28/02/2019 16:03:01 2, 67890, 01/03/2019 16:12:45, 01/03/2019 16:16:20 ];
The result:
I'm expecting to see another record for objectId 120489 with 16:03:00 time
and for objectid 122339 with 16:16:00
@mrybalko Sorry for bothering but can you try to find a solution using the code you provided?
I'm sure it's a small issue that needs to be fixed.
I tried a few things but still can't solve it.
I'm sorry again to bother but I need to find a solution for an important customer.