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Good afternoon Guys,
I have the following table and I'm breaking my head to account for my data correctly:
I need to count only the chassis that had lows (Date_Baixa = null) and group them by mm / yyyy of low and Uf of origin
it would be something like this:
Can you give me an orientation?
use cod_cliente, Uf, yearMonth as dimension,
and in your expression :
count({<NuChassi = E({<Date_Baixa = {'*'} >} ) >} NuChassi)
E() is to exclude, '*' for all whiche as a value : so you gat only nullvalues for date
Can you please share excel sheet instead of snapshot? I will share the solution
Você pode criar uma pivot table com:
mês/ano - supondo que você a tenha criado no script monthname(Campo_Data);
Expressão: NullCount(data_baixa)
Abs e Sucesso!!
Thank you guys, It worked well.