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Contributor II
Contributor II

How do I fill empty rows in a table with Max Count of Months

Hi Everybody! I have created a variable which counts Max Distinct Count of Months -  

vMaxMonthId = Max(Aggr(Count({1<TabYear=$::TabYear, TabFlag -={"''"}>} Total Distinct TabMonth), TabID)-1).

And another one - 

vOct =if(num(TabYear) = Year(Today()) and Month(Today()) <= 10, 0, Sum({1<TabYear=$::TabYear, TabMonth= {'Oct'}>}TabPositive Answers)/
Sum({1<TabYear=$::TabYear, TabMonth= {'Oct'}>}TabPositive Ansewrs+TabNegative Ansewrs)).

Final Magic is: 

$(vOct)/$(vMaxMonthId) and like this for every month. It works fine until Null appears in vMaxMonth while aggregating by TabId Dimension. Example below

Screenshot 2021-10-14 112318.png

So is there any way to replace Null value in Row fo SMS with value '9' in this case?

Thanks in advance



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