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Need Help Matching Data Across Tables

Posted in the wrong forum earlier, but

I'm using the REST connector to pull in data, and there are 3 separate data sources.
One problem I have is that there is SO MUCH data that it takes like 30 minutes to load all of it in, and then the Data Manager never opens. So I can't look at my table associations or sync the tables because the Data Manager just never loads.

My 3 data sets are Members, Organizations, and Users. (users being anyone who has an account, and members being only those who are in an organization)

The Members table shows which Organizations a User is in.
Members and Orgs share a field called 'organizationId'.
The problem is, when I'm looking at data, I want the organization Name, which is only found in the Orgs table and not in Members.

Specifically, I'm trying to make a bar chart displaying the count of members by organization, and it works fine when I use 'organizationId', but the values in this field are long numbers that don't give much info to the user, which is why I want to display the orgName instead.

I have several similar problems like this.

Is there a way to get the chart to display the Name of an Organization in place of its ID?

(Preferably without changing my load script! Because it takes too long to load and times out repeatedly, wastes a lot of my time!)

Willing to provide any extra info needed, I am very new to this though so please be patient with me!

1 Reply

Once your table "Members" and "Orgs" share the field "organizationId"
You should be able to create a chart having "orgName" as dimension and count of Members as measure, with no problem.
What result do you get when using organization name?
Can you provide us with some lines of your data?
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