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Hi, All,
I have set up a Qlik Sense server and created a user directory connection. LDAP filter is something like this :
It works. All users in GroupA were displayed in user screen. However, when I changed 'GroupA' to 'GroupB', it didn't work. No user in GroupB shown up. I have restarted server but it won't solve the issue. There is no special characters in both GroupA GroupB names. What could be the cause?
These are my 2 AD groups and it works for me
Try this way
(|(memberOf=CN=US-SPO-Portfolio,OU=Security Groups,DC=us,DC=world,DC=kg,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=GO-Enterprise,OU=Security Groups,DC=GO,DC=world,DC=kg,DC=com))
Hi Bo,
Is the User Sync Setting checked? If it is, you will need to uncheck it.
Satish & Tony, Thanks for your reply.
I found the issue after talking with our AD admins. It turned out that the 'OU' for GroupB is not 'Groups'. I added one more OU in front of it and it worked.