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Contributor III
Contributor III

operation monitor reload error, while doing through QMC reload facing error-404

Hi Team,

Operation monitor reload task got failing  through QMC reload task  with  404 error in My Prod  environment .

Log file:

20201007T173820.159-0600 1265 LIB CONNECT TO 'monitor_apps_REST_user_condensed'
20201007T173820.773-0600 Connected.
20201007T173820.778-0600 1267 User:
20201007T173820.778-0600 1268 Load
20201007T173820.778-0600 1269 userDirectory & '\' & userId AS UserId,
20201007T173820.778-0600 1270 [name] AS [User Name],
20201007T173820.778-0600 1271 userDirectory as [User Directory]
20201007T173820.778-0600 1273 SQL SELECT
20201007T173820.778-0600 1274 "userId",
20201007T173820.778-0600 1275 "userDirectory",
20201007T173820.778-0600 1276 "name"
20201007T173820.778-0600 1277 FROM JSON (wrap on) "root"
20201007T173821.003-0600 3 fields found: UserId, User Name, User Directory,
20201007T173821.003-0600 Error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
20201007T173821.054-0600 Execution Failed
20201007T173821.066-0600 Execution finished.


But same app working fine when i do normal reload in my working directory. and also working fine in my  Dev, Test servers through QMC reload task.

Can anyone  please help me out on this...

@sunny_talwar @Gysbert_Wassenaar  @Henric_Cronström  @tresesco   @Antoniotiman 

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