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Creator III
Creator III

show "nothing" as Zeros in Pivot table


I am totally confused.

Is there way to show missing values as Zero ('0')?

I know that these values are non-existent in this fields, but I am sure there should be a way of showin it as zeros.


I am using mastercalendar, if it matters.

This is my datamodel:


16 Replies
Not applicable

I think you'll have to create the missing entries manually:

Generating Missing Data In QlikView

If you created an inline example in English language, I could show you how to do,

but I neither have your sample files, nor am able to read russian (is it russian?)

Creator III
Creator III


I have read the attached document and understand it from the general point of view, but when it comes to the code, i am stuck - just don't understand where i should start from. I am not a developer at all.

1. This is my test table. This script load before Master Calendar



ДатаIx, Operation, Amount

2018-01-15, Sales, 500

2018-02-15, Sales, 1000

2018-03-15, Purchases, -400


2. There is also a Master Calendar script, created by my programmer, which is huge and i don't put it here. It goes after the first script above. The point is that this code generated a lot of dates in 2016-2018. As you understand, no data is present in all of these dates, except for the 3 dates above.

3. This is what i get:


The question is, do I need to fill missing 'Operations' for each generated date in order to get rid of this missing values? How?

As far as I understand, there should be a 3rd script, with something like:

Concatenate to Test Table

for each 'ДатаIx' from the Master Calendar , for each missing 'Operation' value, fill in this missing Operation value..

Creator III
Creator III

AFAIK, this is not possible in qliksense. It is possible in qlikview.

Not applicable

I prepared a demo for you...

SET ThousandSep='.';

SET DecimalSep=',';

SET MoneyThousandSep='.';

SET MoneyDecimalSep=',';

SET MoneyFormat='#.##0,00 €;-#.##0,00 €';

SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss';

SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';

SET FirstWeekDay=0;

SET BrokenWeeks=0;

SET ReferenceDay=4;

SET FirstMonthOfYear=1;

SET CollationLocale='de-DE';

SET CreateSearchIndexOnReload=1;

for i= MakeDate(2018,1,1) to MakeDate(2018,3,31)


    LOAD Date($(i)) as Datefield AutoGenerate 1;



LOAD *,Datefield&'|'&Operation as TEMPKEY;


Datefield, Operation, Amount

2018-01-15, Sales, 500

2018-02-15, Sales, 1000

2018-03-15, Purchases, -400


//fill up Sales



Datefield, 0 as Amount, 'Sales' as Operation  resident Master

where not Exists(TEMPKEY,Datefield&'|Sales');

//fill up Purchases



Datefield, 0 as Amount, 'Purchases' as Operation  resident Master

where not Exists(TEMPKEY,Datefield&'|Purchases');

drop field TEMPKEY;

Creator III
Creator III

I am following you, thank you.

In real life I have >50 of Operation types. I wonder, do i have to replicate this for each Operation name.

I ended up by joining every possible Field combination to the Date field from the Calendar table (from this tread

It solved everything!

Thank you!

Not applicable

Just build all combinations like here in a separate table (no matching field)

Create a table made of two (for each)

If you need further assistance, please tell me that...

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

How to achieve this result from frontend using chart?