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Contributor III
Contributor III

Crosstable for survey results ?

Hi, i have a set of survey results, for example

Person, Team, Question_1, Question_2, Question_3

Each row of data is one persons survey, and the questions are scored 1-10.

I want to be able to use a qlik table in the following format


Question      Average


But i want to maintain the data to be filterable by team, so when no team is selected it will average all results, if a team filter is applied i want the average just for that team.


Will i need to use a crosstable to convert the data into the right format, if so could someone provide me with the code, thanks.

1 Reply

You can use the CrossTable option when loading your data that will get the data in the format so that you can have Question #'s as rows:

CrossTable (Question, Score, 2)
Load *;
Load * Inline [
Person, Team, Question_1, Question_2, Question_3
PA, TA, 5, 7, 3
PB, TA, 4, 6, 5
PC, TB, 7, 9, 3
