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Line Chart to generate Tickets Opened Vs Tickets closed week on week

Hi. I am trying to generate a qliksense line chart which would show tickets opened vs tickets closed week on week for the last six weeks.

My sample data looks like below. Please ignore the last two columns as that is not exact calculation but have added values for explaining only.

In Qliksense I have calculated the values as below.

Opened at Week - Floor(Interval( today() - opened_at, 'DD')/7)

Last Updated at Week - Floor(Interval( today() - sys_updated_on, 'DD')/7)


My Test data is like below 

Sample dataSample data


If I use Opened at Week  as dimension and do count of opened_at it gives me week on week basis all the tickets opened. but then how do I restrict to last 6 weeks.

I also have  a second measure as count( {$<state = {'Closed','Canceled'}>} state) to count the closed or cancelled tickets. But the problem is that the x axis is out of syn.


How can I merge the two dimensions in x-axis and have two comparison graphs ?

1 Reply

As I think about it, it seems that this approach would not work. I would not be able to achieve this in run time while generating the graph. Probably I will have to calculate this information upfront against one single dimension before displaying it.