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What is missing here to show Rolling 13 months ?

MonthDates : 1/2015 - 9/2017

expression :  sum ( Leads)

Order Year = 2015,2016,2017

Order Month = 1- 12

If MonthDates is my date field  do I also need to construct another period ID ?

How do I show rolling 13 months based on current selection ?

9 Replies

Dear Layla,

Can you explain a bit more what do you want to do?

Ricardo Gerhard
OEM Solution Architect
Not applicable

I am unable to attach Qliksense file since it's on company server.

I have a combo  bar chart with bars showing values for sum ( Leads)  from 1/2015 - 9/ 2017 as MonthDates as Dimension

MonthDates = M/YYYY

I only need to display values from 9/2017 - 9/2016 - Rolling 13 months based on current selection


Just try something

Sum({$<MonthDates={">=1/2015 <= 9/2016"} Leads)

Here is tutorial do help.

Set analysis and set expressions ‒ QlikView

Ricardo Gerhard
OEM Solution Architect
Not applicable

I  tried many different expression on this forum and nothing seems to work

Not applicable

Qlikview is not actually reading it as a date.  I would think it's reading it as a string.

I think you'd be better off making the MonthDates column show the first day of every month.

1/1/2016,2/1/2016,3/1/2016 etc.

THen qlik will read as a date/integer.

then you could do something like

sum ({$<MonthDates={'>=1/1/2015 <= 9/1/2016'} Leads)

Not applicable

Thanks Wallo - I will try that

What is the expression for rolling 13 based on current selection ?

Meaning any month the user chooses - it has to show rolling 13 months

Not applicable

Try this.

sum({<MonthDates={">=$(=AddMonths(Max(MonthDates),-13))<=$(=Max(MonthDates))"},[Order Year]=,[Order Month]=>}Leads)


Create your own master calendar: (it's always better to build ur own calendar, it's a preference thing)

Just copy and paste this:

Let vMinDate=num(MakeDate(2014,12,31));

//Let vMinDate= AddYears(today(),-2);

Let vMaxDate=Today()+30;



Load date($(vMinDate)+ RowNo()) as [Calendar date]

AutoGenerate $(vMaxDate)-$(vMinDate);



Load RowNo() as [%Date SEQ]

,AutoNumber(date([Calendar date], 'DD/MM/YYYY'),'%Date ID') as [%Date ID]

,date([Calendar date], 'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Calendar date]

,Day([Calendar date]) as [Day of date]

,'W' & right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) as [week date]

,'Q' &  Num(ceil(month([Calendar date])/3), '00') as [quarter date]

, right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) as [Week of date]

,Month([Calendar date]) as [Month of date]

,QuarterName([Calendar date]) as [Quarter of date]

,Year([Calendar date]) as [Year of date]

, right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) &'/'&Year([Calendar date]) as [Year week date]

,date(MonthStart([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') as [Year month date]

,num( Year([Calendar date])   ) & '- Q' &  Num(ceil(month([Calendar date])/3), '00') as [Year quarter date]

   ,WeekStart([Calendar date],0,-4) as [Week start date]

,WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4) as [Week end date]

,MonthStart([Calendar date]) as [Month start date]

,MonthEnd([Calendar date]) as [Month end date]

,QuarterStart([Calendar date]) as [Quarter start date]

,QuarterEnd([Calendar date]) as [Quarter end date]

,YearStart([Calendar date]) as [Year start date]

,YearEnd([Calendar date]) as [Year end date]

,AutoNumber(WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4) , '%Year week SEQ') as [%Year week SEQ]

,AutoNumber(Num(Month([Calendar date]), '00')&'/'&Year([Calendar date]), '%Year month SEQ') as [%Year month SEQ]

,AutoNumber(Num(QuarterName([Calendar date]), '00')&'/'&Year([Calendar date]), '%Year quarter SEQ') as [%Year quarter SEQ]

,if(monthstart(date([Calendar date],'MM/YYYY'))= monthstart(date(Today() ,'MM/YYYY')) ,monthstart(date(AddMonths(Today(),-2),'MM/YYYY')), monthstart(date(AddMonths([Calendar date] ,-1),'MM/YYYY'))) as [Month Fact]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP;


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Week end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Week end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Month end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Month end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Quarter end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Quarter end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Year end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Year end date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Week start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Week start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Month start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Month start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Quarter start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Quarter start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Year start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Year start date];



Load [%Date SEQ]

,[%Date ID]

,[Calendar date]

,[Day of date]

,[Week of date]

,[Month of date]

,[Quarter of date]

,[Year of date]

,[Year week date]

,[Year month date]

,[week date]

,[quarter date]

,[Year quarter date]

,[Week start date]

,[Week end date]

,[Month start date]

,[Month end date]

,[Quarter start date]

,[Quarter end date]

,[Year start date]

,[Year end date]

,[%Year week SEQ]

,[%Year month SEQ]

,[%Year quarter SEQ]

,[Month Fact]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Month start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1) AS [Month Diff]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Quarter start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1) AS [Quarter Diff]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Year start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1)  AS [Year Diff]  

,if(WeekEnd([Calendar date])=WeekEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'), WeekEnd([Calendar date])) as [Week end date 2]

,if(MonthEnd([Calendar date])=MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(MonthEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Month end date 2]

,if(QuarterEnd([Calendar date])=QuarterEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(QuarterEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Quarter end date 2]

,if(YearEnd([Calendar date])=YearEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(YearEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Year end date 2]

//,if([Calendar date]=Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),1,[Week end flag]) as [Week end flag]

, if(date(floor( WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4)))=date(floor(WeekEnd(Today()-1,0,-4))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Week end flag]) as [Week end flag]

,if(date(floor( MonthEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Month end flag]) as [Month end flag]

,if( date(floor(QuarterEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(QuarterEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

         if( [Calendar date]=Date('$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1) ,[Quarter end flag] )  as [Quarter end flag]





//,if([Calendar date]=Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),1,[Year end flag]) as [Year end flag]

, if(date(floor( YearEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(YearEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Year end flag]) as [Year end flag]

, [Week start flag]

, [Month start flag]

, [Quarter start flag]

, [Year start flag]

// ,if(date(floor(MonthEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

// if([Calendar date]=Date('$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Month start flag]  )  as [Month start flag]

,AutoNumber(Num(Month([Month Fact]), '00')&'/'&Year([Month Fact]), '%Year month fact SEQ') as [%Year month fact SEQ]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2;

Drop table D_Calendar_TMP, D_Calendar_TMP2;

DONT't change a thing

Then, in your fact table, in which you have the date field; do as follow:

AutoNumber(date(YourDateField, 'DD/MM/YYYY'),'%Date ID') as [%Date ID]

Now: as an expression for ur rolling month:

use this:

sum({<[Calendar date]=,[Month of date]=, [Year of date]=, [%Year month SEQ] = {"> $(= max([%Year month SEQ]) - 12)  <= $(=[%Year month SEQ])"}>}QUANTITY)

and a dimension use :

date([Month end date 2], 'MMM-YYYY')

Now, when you choose a Mars 2017 for example, you'll have:


Not applicable

Hi Wallo,

The first expression worked.  It is the way I format the dates.

The second SA expression for rolling 13 does not work.

Do I need to implement a master calendar ?