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Nov 7, 2024 8:11:03 AM
Sep 30, 2024 10:25:40 AM
With the new inclusion of the Get Chart Image block in the Qlik Reporting connector in Qlik Application Automation, you now have more options to notify a group of users with more in-depth data and charts using Slack, Microsoft Teams, and email.
This article will guide you in sending your first chart image to Slack with Qlik Application Automation.
It explains a basic example of a template configured in Qlik Application Automation for this scenario.
You can make use of the template which is available in the template picker. You can find it by navigating to Add new -> New automation -> Search templates and searching for 'Send a Chart Image to Slack' or 'Embed a chart image in an email' in the search bar, and clicking the Use template option.
For guidance on sending charts via Microsoft Teams and mail, go to the "Next Steps" section at the end of this article.
You can download examples of the automations from this article: Send-chart-image-to-slack.json, Send-chart-image-to-outlook.json, Send-chart-image-to-mail.json, Send-chart-image-to-microsoft-teams.json
Warning: Whenever the “Get Chart Image” block is to be used, we advise you to only use it with temporary bookmarks or pre-existing persistent bookmarks.
If the condition block outcome evaluates to false:
Gmail does not support embedding base64 encoded images due to security constraints. To work around this, we advise sending the chart image as an attachment through the Send Mail block in the Mail connector if you use a Gmail account.
See Gmail blocking small embedded inline images in email template for details on the restriction.
The information in this article is provided as-is and will be used at your discretion. Depending on the tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors, ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Great, thanks for sharing.
I'm having a problem with the "Send mail" block in the "Mail" connector: the image doesn't appear (blank square) in the email. Whereas the same automation/image does appear in Slack.
Is anyone experiencing the same problem?
I have observed the blank image in the email while testing since it appeared to be blocked content.
Could you please verify if that's the case, and whether you can see an option to Show Blocked Content in the email?
Please let us know your feedback.
@AfeefaTk Unfortunately I have been facing the same issue since the release, it does not indicate to show Blocked Content, please see the image for a reference output, that's all I see.
@AneeshKanakdande Which mail server is it?
Are you opening mail in the browser or any mailbox app?
If it's in the browser, could you please try opening it in the corresponding mailbox app and check if that makes any difference?
If that still doesn't work, please share the automation workspace and run log to further troubleshoot the issue.
You can find steps on how to achieve above asked details here.
@AfeefaTk Thanks for suggesting the solution(s), it does work when I open in the mailbox app, I was using the office365 mail server and sending to a gmail address. Does this mean, it would not work if I have to send emails to addresses on a different mail server (like I was trying)?
Thanks in advance!
Gmail web client blocks this kind of content per security rules for the service.
There are some workarounds but it requires custom parameters in the email body, but the email component of Qlik Automation does not allow any kind of customization in the request body or parameters.
@PabloLabbeImaps Understood, thanks for the response!
I have the same problem, sending images works well on an Outlook client, but does not work on Gmail (I send to an account on the same workspace as the account used in the qlik senders email module).
I noticed in the source code of the mail that the mail is not encoded in base64 but in "quoted-printable" and that Gmail has added escape characters after each "="
Example: <img src=3D"data
(3D is an escape character)
Any idea why Gmail adds this and not an Outlook client?
Thanks for your help
Gmail does not support embedding base64 encoded images due to security constraints. To work around this, we advise sending the chart image as an attachment through the Send Mail block in the Mail connector if you use a Gmail account.
See Gmail blocking small embedded inline images in email template for details on the restriction.
We have now added it as a Disclaimer to this article.
Sharing my related question where we are discussing other options for embedding charts into emails to make it work in email clients such as Outlook.
@Emile_Koslowski - Tagging you here as well for better reach. Let us know if you have any feedback on the proposed change for generating multiple images with unique file names as part of the same automation.