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Cloud migration Platform gets trouble regularly

I recently migrated all the QLIKSENSE BI's to the cloud. However, sometimes when i update new data the console returns me the following problems (image 1). 

Do you have any recomendation to improve this performances. I realised that the platform gets slower even when i apply a filter it takes quite time.

Thanks in advance


image 1.PNG

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1 Reply


Is the error still persist? The issue may be related to network congestion, high server load, or other network or hardware issues. are you trying to connect from VM?  I Will suggest checking with your IT team to determine if there are interruptions to network traffic, network congestion, high server load on the data source, other network disruptions, or hardware issues between your systems that are causing the connection to be lost.

Also, I will recommend try using the Qlik Data transfer for bringing any on-prem data to SaaS. 


Thank You