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can you help me with this problem?
I have this definition in expression:
and a I need to combine it with if statement like this:
=Sum( if( OBDOBIE >= $(vStartDateCompare) AND OBDOBIE <= $(vEndDateCompare), NumSum((100-(Sum(U504)/Sum(U604))*100)/100)) )
but it doesnt work.
Solved ! 🙂
Like this:
100-((Sum( {<OBDOBIE={">=$(vStartDateCompare)<=$(vEndDateCompare)"}>} U504) / Sum( {<OBDOBIE={">=$(vStartDateCompare)<=$(vEndDateCompare)"}>} U604))*100)
Try something like this:
if(OBDOBIE >= $(vStartDateCompare) AND OBDOBIE <= $(vEndDateCompare),
If you have only one argument you didn't need really numsum() or newer rangesum() unless it's only an argument inside another expression.
- Marcus
I think that the problem is different date format between OBDOBIE and $(vStartDateCompare)
Try to replace $(vStartDateCompare) with a fixed date (e.g. 14/01/2015) and verify if it works
let me know
no result 😞
I tried it, but no result... only "-"
This statement is function:
=Sum( if( OBDOBIE >= $(vStartDateCompare) AND OBDOBIE <= $(vEndDateCompare), U504) )
but problem is, when I want to replace U504 with an aggregation function.
Replace for testing the variablen with a fixed value and put the variablen in a textbox to see what will be returned. Further make sure that no part of your expression could return NULL or the divisor returned 0. Maybe so:
alt(sum(U504), 0) / alt(sum(604), 1)
- Marcus
Solved ! 🙂
Like this:
100-((Sum( {<OBDOBIE={">=$(vStartDateCompare)<=$(vEndDateCompare)"}>} U504) / Sum( {<OBDOBIE={">=$(vStartDateCompare)<=$(vEndDateCompare)"}>} U604))*100)