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By using nprinting in qlik we can export data into Excel Automatically
Is it Posiible?
Yes, Qlik NPrinting is designed to export data from QlikView and Qlik Sense to Excel.
Please refer to the official help site to find more details Excel reports ‒ Qlik NPrinting. In the help site you will find also training videos.
Best Regards,
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Hi Ruggero,
What i need daily bases I need to Export data to Excel Automatically not Manually,
Please Suggest me how to do,
Best Regards,
Refer to the chapter Scheduling reports of the help site at the page Scheduling reports ‒ Qlik NPrinting.
I strongly suggest you to check the official Qlik NPrinting help site. It covers all these topics.
Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.
Hi Kumar,
Which connection you are using currently for your app local or server connection? If you are connected through server connection the it easy to export your data automatically. Recommended you to refer this for server connection. Hope this will help.
Good Luck.
You will add the object ID to the report template excel file , and you can schedule the report to automatically export the data directly
Hi Vinod,
I am using Qliksense Server Connection 3.2 Version , But I need Daily Basis Automatically Export data to Excel,
Please tell me How to achive this thing
Hi kumar,
You can assign a trigger in Tasks--> publish task--> click on task --> Triggers --> Create trigger
Hi Kumar,
can evaluate your question? Please. What do you exactly mean by "Export data to excel"? Does it mean export datamodel to excel, export source qliksense table to excel? or what? be precise!
I am under impression that you would like to export on daily basis your RAW data as you constanltly repeat " Export data to Excel" phrase which i assume is different than export QlikSense / QlikView object table to Excel.
All above answers are based on an assumption that your data will be in one of the visualisation objects ( say: straight table). This also mean that your data will have an aggregate applied or will be shown as a distinct line in your table which may not be what you want.
provide more details and we will take it from there