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Hello everybody,
Please I need your Help!.
I am trying to create a connection to qlikview server, for load a document qvw, but when the connection is generating cache display a error message.
Attached images!
Hi Ernesto,
Some things to check:
* is your engine on a different machine? You have it as qlikviewiisa
* by default you should not need to provide Username & Password for Movies Database.qvw. If you use QlikView Desktop on a client machine to access Movies Database.qvw by going to File-> Open in Server, what Server name do you enter?
* I have it working with these settings. My server & engine are both on the same machine with hostname QlikServer
HTH - Daniel.
Ernesto -
Is your engine online? Please check under Admin->Engine Manager and let us know.
My engine is online..
Hi Ernesto,
Some things to check:
* is your engine on a different machine? You have it as qlikviewiisa
* by default you should not need to provide Username & Password for Movies Database.qvw. If you use QlikView Desktop on a client machine to access Movies Database.qvw by going to File-> Open in Server, what Server name do you enter?
* I have it working with these settings. My server & engine are both on the same machine with hostname QlikServer
HTH - Daniel.
hi djk
am using NP17.1 i need connect .qvw from the server..am working on two remote connection remo1 and remo 2
i installed NPserver,engine,designer on remo1 system and my .qvw files are available in remo 2 machine
so i want to connect my qvw files from second machine by usinsg server how can i configure that??
i followed by Creating connections ‒ Qlik NPrinting
but its not working
First what is the Qlikview server name?? am fill that place second machine name then ip and qlik access point also qmc
but nothing is working
please suggesting me with step by step example
its urgent ...
Hi Sankar,
Do you use QlikView Server?
YES: make a note of the hostname of the QlikView server machine. Choose Server as the Connection Type & use the QlikView server hostname in the qvp:// field
NO: Your QVW files should be in a folder that can be accessed from remo1 by the account running NPrinting services. Choose Local as the Connection Type and enter the UNC path to the folder in the Document path field (e.g., \\remo2\documents\)
HTH - Daniel.
Thanks for your valuable response djk..
it's working fine am trying by UNC path to connect movie database its connected and cache also generated
then am trying to connect scheme its connection status get ok but the cache was stuck on generating
log files shows like below
hi Daniel
if we need to create connection with Qlikview server.The NPrinting server and Qlkiview server both are need to be on same Domain??
Hi Sankar,
If your two domains have a trust relationship you should be OK. Without involving NPrinting initially try this: Let's say your QlikView server is in DOMAIN1. You have QlikView Desktop on a machine in DOMAIN2. Using this QlikView Desktop (in DOMAIN2) , going to File > Open in Server can you access the QlikView applications on the server in DOMAIN1 and open documents? If not you may need to involve your System Administrator and get that working first. If you can then NPrinting in DOMAIN2 should be able to connect to the QlikView server on DOMAIN1. Remember that NPrinting Engines use QlikView Desktop to access the actual QlikView douments - that's why you need a licensed instance of QlikView Desktop installed on each NPrinting Engine machine (assuming you want to connect to QlikView documents and not only Qlik Sense documents).
HTH - Daniel.