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Hi all,
I've been encountering this issue after changing some objects on a Word template:
ERROR: System.NotSupportedException: The match includes one or more special or break characters and cannot be replaced.
The log doesn't return any more understandable detail.
Is there any way to investigate further into this error?
Unfortunately the information which you provided is simply not enough to understand the actual nature of the issue of that you are experiencing exactly.
Please provide the following:
In the meantime, try refreshing your NPRinting connection, then open the template editor and right click each table object and select 'update' from the right click context menu. This will update your template editor with the right object information if the source objects - columns etc in the qvw or qvf - have changed.
Kind regards...
Ciao Francesco,
Please remember to specify the version of Qlik NPrinting you are using.
I suggest you to check if there are some special, or not printable characters in your template. You told the issue appeared after changing some objects, verify if those objects introduced strange tags.
Maybe you could post a screenshot of the template.
Best Regards,
Thanks Frank and Ruggero,
the version is April 2019 (I think it's in the question tags).
In the end we understood the issue by rebuilding from scratch, one formula had been changed and there was no indication from the logs of what or where the error was...
It looks like if a table has a calculated dimension with hyphens, apostrophes or dollar signs it might throw this error. I wasn't able to reproduce it constantly since it's also built using dollar-sign expansions.
Thank you