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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Exporting charts as image by vendors and store in specific location

Hi All ,

I have a specific requirement from  my client .

I have various dashboards created for a department , where the client wants

1)To store some charts by vendor code filter  (i.e separate image for each vendor ) form various dashboards to a specific location in image format  .

2)   Also while storing the chart images , the image name should be   the vendor code and exported date .

3) Also these images should be scheduled weekly

Can the above requirement full filled by Nprinting ?  

Thanks in advance !

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4 Replies
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III


yes nprinting can do exactly this scenario

using the pixel perfect  report type you can create image file using dynamic name you'll give them the name 

and using cycle on the vendor filed you'll create a file for each vendor 



You did not specify if you are connecting to QlikView or Qlik Sense.

If you are using QlikView you can create a QlikEntity report for each chart you want to export as image

Than enable Cycling and add vendor code and export data in the file name. 

This is not supported at the moment (February 2019) for Qlik Sense connections. With QlikView it has the advantage that is doesn't require a template development.

Best Regards,


Best Regards,
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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi Lironbaram ,

Thanks for your reply .

I want that cycle report for specific 100 vendors , how can i do this ?


Specialist III
Specialist III

Hi Gaurav,

We still don't know if you are using QlikView or Qlik Sense Connections. In any case, how would you select those 100 vendors in your QlikView document or Qlik Sense App? Do they all belong to the same region for example? What I am getting at here is that there must be some criteria that is exclusive to those 100 vendors only (even if it is selecting them individually). You will need to create an NPrinting filter to simulate that selection. Apply that filter on the Task (or Report) and Cycle the report specifying the dynamic naming criteria as required.

HTH - Daniel.