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Hi all,
I am trying to create a new connection, but getting error for "The document exists".
The issue is that when I am giving another QVW from the same folder it will be ok, it seems like only new QVWs are not recognized.
I have tried it with some other exsits QVWs on different folders and the connection is being created successfully, but with a new QVW which is being saved under the same folder I get the same error of "document (NOT) exists "
Is there any place in which I need to refesh the list of the folders/ QVW files?
If not, any idea why should such error occurs?
Thanks a lot
Just today I have exactly the same problem.
The document is published. I can open it with Qlik desktop on the Nprinting server.
When I make it local and use the correct path, I do not get this error.
Is there any other way to check what is wrong ?
When I replace the document with another document in the same folder I do not get this error.
file-> open in server-> select your documnet
on top leftin the qvw you will see the exact path qvp://.....
use that and it shall work.
@Ruggero_Piccoli may help.
The user who runs the Qlik NPrinting Windows services must be able to open the document.
Run the QlikView Desktop installed in the Qlik NPrinting Engine computer with the same user that runs the Qlik NPrinting Engine. You must be able to open the .qvw directly from QlikView Desktop.
Check also the Qlik NPrinting logs.
Best Regards,
In addition to Ruggero's comment,
Triggers may also be preventing the document from opening assuming that the path to the QVW is accurate.
Check this link for all unsupported items. This is crucial to check this. Triggers can prevent a QVW from opening since NP has no way to enable a trigger.
Also, turn on interactive service detection to see how NPrinting is processing or trying to open the QVW in the background service. Click 'view message' once it is turned on to see where the QVW is actually stuck.
me that when I can connect one document I should connect every other document too, when they are in the same folder
I cannot find what user runs the printing engine.
I have admin rights.
In the log I find this error:
Qlik.NPrinting.Engine Qlik.NPrinting.Engine.Consumer.ConnectionResolvers 20190212T144302.059+01:00 WARN QLIKNPRINT11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unexpected exception while trying to initialize a resolver for connection navigator=qlikview;documentpath=qvp://XXXX.XXX.XX/docname.qvw after getting the connecting and working tokens. The connecting and the working tokens will be now released. ERROR: QlikView is not able to open the document qvp://XXXXXX.XXXX.XX/docname.qvw. Stack trace: ↵↓Server stack trace: ↵↓ at Engine.Navigator.QlikView.QV11.QlikViewDocument..ctor(String qlikViewApplicationPath, QlikViewConnectionString connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Func`1 getLocalAndServerBuilder, IQlikViewArtifactsCachePool artifactsCachePool, IQlikViewWindowMonitor windowMonitor) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine.Navigator.QlikView\QVx\QlikViewDocument.cs:line 525↵↓ at Engine.Navigator.QlikView.QV11.QlikViewNavigatorFactory.GetQlikView(QlikViewConnectionString connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine.Navigator.QlikView\QVx\QlikViewNavigatorFactory.cs:line 80↵↓ at Engine.Navigator.QlikView.Module.QlikViewPool.GetQlikView(QlikViewConnectionString connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine.Navigator.QlikView\QlikViewPool.cs:line 77↵↓ at Engine.Navigator.QlikView.Module.QlikViewPool.Engine.Navigator.QlikView.IQlikViewPool.GetQlikView(QlikViewConnectionString connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine.Navigator.QlikView\QlikViewPool.cs:line 82↵↓ at Engine.Navigator.QlikView.QlikViewContentNavigator..ctor(QlikViewConnectionString connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IQlikViewPool pool) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine.Navigator.QlikView\QlikViewContentNavigator.cs:line 24↵↓ at lambda_method(Closure , Object[] )↵↓ at Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.ConstructorParameterBinding.Instantiate()↵↓↵↓Exception rethrown at [0]: ↵↓ at System.ExceptionExtensions.RethrowInnerException(Exception this, Boolean ifInnerExceptionIsNullRethrowThis) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Qlik\Qlik.Reporting.Common\System\ExceptionExtensions.cs:line 152↵↓ at Qlik.NPrinting.Engine.Consumer.ContentResolverFactory.Get(Guid engineId, String connectionString, IRequestBuffer buffer, Int32 initialMaxBatchSize, CancellationToken cancToken) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine\Consumer\ContentResolverFactory.cs:line 34↵↓ at Qlik.NPrinting.Engine.Consumer.ConnectionResolvers.TryOpenResolver(Int32 initialMaxBatchSize, CancellationToken cancToken) in c:\Jws\workspace\NP-REL-\server\NPrinting\src\Engine\Consumer\ConnectionResolvers.cs:line 231.
Hi, is a very old version. Before proceed please update your installation to latest available version to the sure to benefit of all solved bugs.
Best Regards,