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NPrinting 19 Users sharing email workaround


We are building new NP19 reports and sending to users outside of company. We found that some users are sharing email addresses. I checked this community and I tried to use cycling to resolve this issue. Our reports have section access on different sites, usually one userid can only have access to one sites. But some power user can have access to  multiple sites using same email. I can cycle site names and send power user one email with multiple site reports as attachment.

However at same time, each site may have multiple users, some small sites users are sharing same email address. My section access all based on sites, for same site users sharing email, it is no issue for our external QV app. But we cannot even add those users to NP19 because of email sharing.

Ideally, I need nested Cycling. Outside cycle by site names, inside each site cycle by users. Is this possible? How to set up? If this is not doable, is there any workaround? I think worst case is for same site, I can only add one user.

Thanks for your help!

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2 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


Things which I dont undersatnd: 

However at same time, each site may have multiple users, some small sites users are sharing same email address. My section access all based on sites, for same site users sharing email, it is no issue for our external QV app. But we cannot even add those users to NP19 because of email sharing.

What I dont understand from above is: if they share email they all get info which lands on this email. That means that from distribution perspective they are 1 user (that one email address). I am assuming that this is situation when you have for example 5 support technicians but all of them use email, right?


Trying to describe workaround on community will not be easy. For such distribution I was using API run from Qlik script, which was updating user-group and user-filter associations.

I think though that the easiest approach would be to upgrade your NPrinting to April 2020 which supports variable users. That way you could create your cycles in Qlik Datamodel and link them easily with comma separated list of users. April 2020 on that front is a big game changer. I really suggest you consider it because it will change your approach to whole task and anything complex we will come up with here can be easily done with that latest version.

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

Hi Lech,

Thanks so much for feedback.

What you understand is correct, if they share email they all get info which lands on this email. From distribution point of view this sounds not reasonable, but our users are all registered as our application user with section access and have access to our web portal, and there is no limitation on email address during registration process.

Thanks for your suggestions, I will look into NPrinting to April 2020 version and see it this can fit our requirement.