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Hi Everyone!
I've been using N Printing for a few years now to send out weekly emailed excel reports. It's been working fine. Today I experienced some unwanted behavior and was curious if there is some kind of setting that could be made that would basically prevent N-Printing from sending everything when it does not get a match.
Here is what happened: "John Doe" is a new sales person. When he was created in our SAP system, they set his name up as "john Doe". I added his name and filter into my N-Printing Sales report that filters based on this salesman's name. Later, I contacted our payroll admin to correct the SAP entry to "John" because I like to use the proper case. I did not think much else about it. The correction was made to SAP and I felt better.
Today, when I executed the report, John Doe got a copy of everyone's report. He should have only got his report and not everyone but evidently Qlikview could not reduce the data as there was no exact match to "john Doe". This is the normal behavior I think. I have since made the correction to his filter then ran my test to ensure issue resolved. Normally 'master data' like this would never change but there may be other circumstances where one might have a 'mandatory' filter that should match or the report does not give anything.
Is there any settings that could be used to require an exact match to a filter to provide output rather than default to everything when it does not not?
Thank you for your replies and or suggestions.
I suggest you look closer...:)
What version of NPrinting are you running? Does the filter for salesman have "Verify filter" checked if you are using a version of NPrinting 16?
We are running Version I looked and I do not see anything like 'verify filter' but I did see a checkbox for 'Evaluate' I think this might be the same thing. I attached a screen capture.
I suggest you look closer...:)
By the way.. Evaluate is used for formulas so they can be evaluated. "Verify filter" searches for exact match of the value you put in filter..
Awesome! I'm just glad it wasn't a snake! I was close but not close enough. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it!
Verify filter: this will do two things:
a) If a filter with Verify filter is applied and the resulting data set is empty, then NPrinting will not generate a report. This can be used to do conditional reporting.
b) If a filter without Verify filter is applied, NPrinting try to select values that not exist in the .qvw. In this case QlikView enables all values so NPrinting will generate a report with the unfiltered dataset. For instance, if you filter for France and 2013 but there were no sales in France in 2013, NPrinting will create a report with sales on all other countries.
Yours was clearly the 2nd case.
In NPrinting 17+, verify filter is the default behavior for all filters and error handling is set at the report level, just FYI.
Haha.... yep 100% right. Thanks God it wasnt a snake 😛
Thank you for these tips and quick response. I've been making these reports for years and never ran into this problem but I am glad I now have a solution and a better understanding of these settings. This is a great support community!