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@Frank_S see below for the question in a new thread
Issue: When we put selections in the Qlik App and no filters in NPrinting then we get the error (see images below). Note: When we have filters set up in NPrinting on the report and User and NO selections are made in the Qlik App then it runs fine
Qlik Sense Enterprise: Nov 2018 - Secure Site
Qlik nPrinting: April 2019 - Unsecured Site
Any thoughts are appreciated.
NPrinting Pop Up Error
Dev Tools Error Message
We (our team and Qlik) have found the cause of the issue: The On-Demand Extension, when a selection is made, appears to have an upper limit on the number of distinct values from an originating field (10,000). Qlik can see a similar case and bug which was reported earlier this month, and the R&D team have since made changes to the extension to resolve this upper limit issue. This is expected to be fixed in the next June 2019 release of Qlik Sense Enterprise.
Other than upgrading June Qlik 2019 no other solution is there?
I'm having the Unable to connect to server as well. I'm using a Qlik Sense app connected to Salesforce with a Bulk API and my app does not include a pivot table. I'm using the April 2019 version of NPrinting. My Qlik Sense app only has one filter object, Account.Name, and if I do not select a value before clicking the on-demand button, my NPrinting report produces.
But if i select my test account and then click the on-demand button, I get the Unable to connect to server error.
Hi, do you have the field you are making a selection on included in your nPrinting report?
Hi @MChapp
Your issue sounds similar to the issue with 10,000 plus filters. This issue has actually been resolved in the June 2019 release of Qlik Sense as describe in the following article:
If you have the same number of filter/selection values in your data, this could be the same issue that your are experiencing.
I suggest that if possible, that you upgrade Qlik Sense in order to update the NPrinting On Demand custom objects used in your QS apps.
Kind regards...
If the dimension has 10 K plus values in the database itself.
Hope this helps to clarify...
yes, Account.Name, which is my filter, is an object on my NPrinting Report.
I do not have a NPrinting filter set on this report.
Your response does clear things up. I have 68,438 unique values in my Account.Name filter object.