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Hi All,
We have a dashboard where there are more than 5000 Customers. We need to email a report per Customer. For this I imported the Users & the Filters using Excel Import and this functionality is mostly working fine. But I have a few challenges.
1) We dont want to send all emails at once. How can We run this in batches?
2) Every Cust has a Ship-To & a Bill-To info. For most Cust, We need to send email to Ship-To. This is working fine as we have created a unique user in NPrinting with unique email and added to it the Ship-To filter.
Challenge is in sending to the few Cust where We need to send to Bill-To email. Each Bill-To might have multiple Ship-To but the same email address (Bill-To) I am not able to import these into NPrinting user list as import needs emails to be unique. Any idea how to handle this scenario.
Thanks in advance
Hi, the second I think is straighforward because the unique email is mandatory to create users (recipients): you have to edit the user list to have the needed email, in those customer instead of being several recipients with different Ship-To it would be only one recipient with Bill-To as email.
For the first I would think in add a group field to customers, it may be alphabetical, by last year sales... the way you want to split each batch. And create 5 tasks, one for each group as filter.
If you add all recipients in a publish task, in both cases as users or groups, when all reports for a specific recipient are ready Qlik NPrinting will open a connection with the configured SMTP server, sends the email with the attached reports, and close the connection. This interaction will be repeated for all recipients configured in the publish task. It is not possible to configure a maximum number of connections opened by Qlik NPrinting with the SMTP server.
To split the delivery into batches you have to create different publish tasks and add only a subset of the recipients to each one. There is no feature to clone publish tasks so you have to manually create each one. You have to pay attention to adding each recipient in at least a publish task and not to add it into many. I think using Groups will help with this kind of maintenance operation.
About your goal no. 2 you could evaluate to use Alternate Email https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/Recipients&Users/Create-users-filter.... You configure the Send to as primary key email and the Bill to as alternate email. Then you create a publish task only for those customers and in the Email configuration you select to send email to the Alternate Email.
Best Regards,
@RajanQVML2021 wrote: Portal4me
Hi All,
We have a dashboard where there are more than 5000 Customers. We need to email a report per Customer. For this I imported the Users & the Filters using Excel Import and this functionality is mostly working fine. But I have a few challenges.
1) We dont want to send all emails at once. How can We run this in batches?
2) Every Cust has a Ship-To & a Bill-To info. For most Cust, We need to send email to Ship-To. This is working fine as we have created a unique user in NPrinting with unique email and added to it the Ship-To filter.
Challenge is in sending to the few Cust where We need to send to Bill-To email. Each Bill-To might have multiple Ship-To but the same email address (Bill-To) I am not able to import these into NPrinting user list as import needs emails to be unique. Any idea how to handle this scenario.
Thanks in advance
I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.
Hi, the second I think is straighforward because the unique email is mandatory to create users (recipients): you have to edit the user list to have the needed email, in those customer instead of being several recipients with different Ship-To it would be only one recipient with Bill-To as email.
For the first I would think in add a group field to customers, it may be alphabetical, by last year sales... the way you want to split each batch. And create 5 tasks, one for each group as filter.
If you add all recipients in a publish task, in both cases as users or groups, when all reports for a specific recipient are ready Qlik NPrinting will open a connection with the configured SMTP server, sends the email with the attached reports, and close the connection. This interaction will be repeated for all recipients configured in the publish task. It is not possible to configure a maximum number of connections opened by Qlik NPrinting with the SMTP server.
To split the delivery into batches you have to create different publish tasks and add only a subset of the recipients to each one. There is no feature to clone publish tasks so you have to manually create each one. You have to pay attention to adding each recipient in at least a publish task and not to add it into many. I think using Groups will help with this kind of maintenance operation.
About your goal no. 2 you could evaluate to use Alternate Email https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/Recipients&Users/Create-users-filter.... You configure the Send to as primary key email and the Bill to as alternate email. Then you create a publish task only for those customers and in the Email configuration you select to send email to the Alternate Email.
Best Regards,
Thx Rubenmarin & Ruggero.. it worked well! 🙂
I was trying to use a task filter to split the report into batches but apparently that was not working. Putting it into email Groups worked great!