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Can we run a simple query using source endpoint

I am just starting to explore Qlik Replicate.  My first task is replicate a DB2 table to a Kafka topic.  So, I am trying to set-up the source and target endpoints.  

I do not know the DB2 database - it belongs to a different team.  So, one of things I would like to do is run simple SQL SELECT queries on different tables in the schema I am going to work on to understand the database a little.

Is there a way to run queries on a connection?  If so, how can I do it?



21 Replies

I think the basic question is answered and we are having more of a philosophical discussion 🙂 - but whether I write to a file or Kafka topic or S3,  if I am officially given access to Kafka / S3, then writing to a file is not bypassing the security, it is just making it easy for testing as a starting point when defining the task - before I get the Kafka topic created or Kafka certs installed on replicate server ( the server admins are a different team and they told me that they will have to add the client truststore for Kafka on their side  )  or  S3 buckets defined and access roles assigned etc.  Previously, I used to work for a boss who was CISO for the company, so one of the things I  know not to do is try to bypass security for Amy reason.  Rather, I used to promote that to different teams I used to work with, to not try to do it 🙂

Anyways,  I am totally new to Qlik Replicate tool, started looking at it this week,  so pardon me if this is a basic question, but is REPCTL to be run on Qlik server or can it be run from the GUI.





repctl commands should be run on the qlik server


