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Hi to all,
Can anyone please explain me the 1 tier ,2 tier and n tier architecture ???
i already seen blogs but i cant able to understood, please help me out this issue.
Thanks in advance.
chandra reddy.
Hi chandra,
- 1tier is when you load data directly from the underlying files into your QlikView_app;
- 2tier is when you load the data, store it in a qvd and use that in one or several QlikView_apps;<
=> LOADing qvd_files is faster than LOADing the original files;
- 3tier is when you first load the data and store it in a qvd, then load n of these qvd_files in an app ("QlikMart") and
lastly you load this QlikMart BINARY into one or several QlikView_apps
=> LOADing BINARY is the fastest way to load data
The n in n-tier refers to the number of data transfers between original source data and final report. DataNibbler already explained the most common ones. But which n-tier architecture should you choose for your QlikView environment?
Consider the following elements (slightly translated into QV concepts):
The list goes on...
Hi Chandra,
Source--->QVD--->transformation | QVD---->Data model qvw--->Binary load into final report qvw. |
tier1 | tier2 tier3 tier4 |
You can add N QVD tier as u go on transforming ur QVD's.
Hence it is known as N tier architecture of Qlikview Application.