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Hi all I am facing a problem. A chart on the access point gives an error "Calculation timed out", I want to reduce the complexity of the below expression by converting it to set analysis, please help:
=if(Aggr(num(Rank(Count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>vmaxdate14 and Newdate<=vmaxdate7, starttime)),4)), employee_id)<=20,
Aggr(num(Rank(count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>vmaxdate14 and Newdate<=vmaxdate7, starttime)),4)), employee_id),'New ')
may be try
=alt( Count (distinct {< emp_id={"=rank(count({<NewDate={">$(=vmaxdate14 )<$(=vmaxdate7)"}>}emp_id),4)<=20"}>}emp_id),'New')
Hi Kush,
The query does not work, it gives blank values.
Hi Kush,
Can you help me with this query:
=aggr(count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>vmaxdate7, starttime)),employee_id)
I am trying to reduce the complexity of other queries to avoid the error
That's a calculated dimension in your chart, right?
Any other dimensions / expressions in this chart that might cause a lot of calculation time?
Both the above listed queries are expression in chart. There is no calculated dimension in chart the dimension I am using 7 dimensions and 4 expressions. The expressions are listed below:
aggr(count(DISTINCT {<Newdate = {>vmaxdate7}>starttime}),employee_id
=Count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>=vmaxdate14 and Newdate <= vmaxdate7, starttime))
=if(Aggr(num(Rank(Count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>vmaxdate14 and Newdate<=vmaxdate7, starttime)),4)), employee_id)<=20,Aggr(num(Rank(count(DISTINCT if(Newdate>vmaxdate14 and Newdate<=vmaxdate7, starttime)),4)), employee_id),'New ')
=FirstSortedValue(distinct [PII Type],-aggr(count( if(not IsNull(NewHour1) and not IsNull([PII Type]),QueryKey)),[PII Type],employee_id))
Please share a sample to answer your query more quickly
Your expression looks complex and without looking at your sample it will be difficult to give you correct set expression. Request you to please share the sample application
Can you please share your app please?