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Opening Document on the Server using URL: with ticketing functions

Hello all!

In our webportal (ASP is used) we have embedded qlikview documents. Clients, access these qlikview
applications (through a link) using ie qvplugin and display it using frames. Ticketing service (getTicket, etc)
is used for authorization and the QVS is on DMS mode.

Some qlikview applications has buttons, that supposed to open (using a URL) other qvw documents and display it on the same frame with the previous qlikview document in the webportal, without providing ticket if the user is allowed to open and not if he isn't allowed to open.

Unfortunately we haven't pulled that off yet, so I would like to ask if somebody has a sample qlikview
application (qvw) or macro vb script, that would do the same with what I have described above.

I really appreciate for a positive reply. Thanks in advance and more power!

Kindest regards,

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