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Hi, I noticed that our production environment exposes the QMS backend web service over HTTPS, but I would like to reach it over HTTP, just like it is on the development environment.
How can I do that? I can't find any point in the QMC where this setting is editable.
Many thanks.
You can check this and see if it is set. Below is how you would set it to use SSL.
Thanks Bill, but I would rather like to use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
The strange thing, though, is that the QVManagementService.exe.config file actually seems to to be set this way but the truth is that if I type http://localhost:4799/QMS/Service, the request timeouts... if I, instead, use https, it works.
Could it have to deal with the fact that who installed and configured the system was forced to use certificates to allow communication between services (<add key="UseWinAuthentication" value="false"/>)?
If this is the case, I think I should better adapt the application to this specific setting but, to be honest, I would not know what to do.
Have you got any experience concerning this C# task?
OK, I guess you did not understand my post, so let me do it again. If you don't want SSL change the below items,
Hey Bill, I am having the same issue. I have made changes as you suggested. When access http://localhost/qmc/ it gives 404 error.
My situation is I need to access QMS Service using HTTP. Right now it works with HTTPS.
i.e. https://sv-qvpub1q:4799/QMS/Service works
but I need
http://sv-qvpub1q:4799/QMS/Service to WORK instead.
The QlikView QMC, by default, is accessible using HTTP. HTTPS needs to be manually set up.
The default URL for the QMC out of the box is http://yourhost:4780/qmc/
If you were accessing this using https://localhost/qmc/, then changes must have been made to the system to support this. These changes would have been done as Bill documented it for you (more details here (kb 000003889).
If you revert this back to default:
<!-- Use HTTPS instead of HTTP for SSL-encrypted communication. You must configure a certificate for this to work -->
<add key="UseHTTPS" value="False"/>
<!-- The port that the QMS frontend listens to (if not specified, port 4780 will be used) -->
<add key="QMSFrontendWebServicePort" value="4780"></add>
... then you will be back to default behaviour. But you'll be using port 4780, as intended. Not port 80. But you'll be using HTTP, not HTTS.
This is also the URL that is important to you, and the one you use when accessing the front end of the QMC.
This one, on the other hand: https://yourhost:4799/QMS/Service is not meant for end-user access, but used between the services. If you have configured Certificate Trust between the service, rather than Windows Administrator Group, then this will automatically be switched to https and we recommend to not change it.