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Qvw shows the old data after publishing to server


I have a qvw file, which is published to the server with the latest data.

The file in accesspoint shows the old data even after it is published through QMC.

I am not reloading the file in QMC, just a Distribute task in QMC and publishing it to the server.

The same file in User Documents showing the right value, but the same file in the accesspoint showing the old data.
What might cause this kind of issue?

Can someone help me please?

Thanks in advance

5 Replies
Master II
Master II


a simple test, just rename the file in user document with latest data. and see is it changing on access point or not..

if not.. then check your mount folder for your application.



Not applicable

Hi Sushil,

Thanks for the reply.

I am publishing the file through QMC. I am not mounting the folder in QMC.


Try the followings

  • Make sure that you are not having duplicate application from other folder
  • Try uncheking the option 'Preload' under performance sub-tab of user document tab
  • Try unchecking 'Allow Session Recovery' under document sub-tab of server tab.
Master II
Master II


If you have access to user document folder then try to replace the application or try to check it by renaming.. if it getting reflected on access point..

Not applicable

Thanks for all.

I have section access in my qvw.

I removed it and loaded the file again.

Now the file is showing right values. I think there is some problem in section access.