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Upgrade to 12 problems.

Currently, we upgrade QlikView from 11 to 12.2, and find two issues like below.

1. The number value will mismatch with old version after reload data with QV distribution service.

     For example, in QV 11 will show the value as 2790, but in QV 12 will show the value as 2789. (The original value is 2789.5)

     In Number tab we set the Number format as "Money", set the Format Pattern as "$#,##0(#,##0)"

2. The table sorting will change automatically after reload data with QV distribution service

     Before Reload: in Sort tab will show like below:

     YTD Revenue


     After Reload, in Sort tab will show like below:


     YTD Revenue

Are there any solution for above two issues? Thanks.

2 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I can't simulate the first one. In QlikView Desktop v11.20SR15 it shows $2,790, just like it does in v12.20SR3. But I'm using a more regular format pattern $#,##0; ($#,##0). Can you provide more details about how the data is processed in your document, and where it is coming from?

It's pretty difficult to reproduce your first issue with just a description.


Suggest that you open support requests with Qlik Support for both of these issues.

Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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