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If I use this function ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject( "CH01" ).WriteXmlPropertiesFile "C:\MychartProp.xml"
with a file that is published from server, the path to export is a path of server.
How can I export the xml properties file on client?
Hi All,
I am also facing a similar problem. WriteXMLPropertiesFile Function doesnt seem to work for me. The below statement executes without any error, but does not provide any output files.
oQVObject.WriteXmlPropertiesFile "D:\TEST.xml"
oQVObject is a declared SheetObject. I am able to get values like Caption, Object Id, etc from this object. However, WriteXmlPropertiesFile doesnt seem to work.
Appreciate your help.
Thanks & Regards,
Raajesh N
Hi All,
Found a way to resolve this issue. Here is a copy of the script used by me.
Sub getQlikViewObjectXML(strFileName As String, strFolderPath As String)
Dim oQVApp As QlikView.Application
Dim oQVDoc As QlikView.Document
Dim oQVSheet As QlikView.Sheet
Dim oQVSheetObject As QlikView.SheetObject
Dim lSheet As Long
Dim lSheetObject As Long
Dim strXMLFileName As String
Set oQVApp = New QlikView.Application
Set oQVDoc = oQVApp.OpenDocEx(strFileName, 1, False)
For lSheet = 0 To oQVDoc.NoOfSheets - 1
Set oQVSheet = oQVDoc.Sheets(lSheet)
oQVDoc.ExportSheetLayoutFile ("C:\Temp\" & Mid(oQVSheet.GetProperties.SheetId, 10) & ".xml"), oQVSheet.GetProperties.SheetId
For lSheetObject = 0 To oQVSheet.NoOfSheetObjects - 1
oQVSheet.GetSheetObjects(lSheetObject).WriteXmlPropertiesFile (strFolderPath & Mid(oQVSheet.SheetObjects(lSheetObject).GetObjectId, 10) & ".xml")
Next lSheetObject
Next lSheet
Set oQVSheetObject = Nothing
Set oQVSheet = Nothing
Set oQVDoc = Nothing
Set oQVApp = Nothing
End Sub
This statment seems to work
oQVSheet.GetSheetObjects(lSheetObject).WriteXmlPropertiesFile (strFolderPath & Mid(oQVSheet.SheetObjects(lSheetObject).GetObjectId, 10) & ".xml")
However, if I declare a SheetObject (like the one below) and if I use WriteXMLPropertiesFile - then the desired output is not available.
Set oQVSheetObject = oQVSheet.GetSheetObjects(1)
oQVSheetObject.WriteXmlPropertiesFile ("C:\Temp\SheetObject.xml")
Experts can correct me, if am wrong.
Raajesh N