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I'm working on a dashboard for fuelstations.
They will see how much fuel there is in a tank per station and per fueltype.
The volume is measured several times a day on different timestamps per station.
The defenition of stock is
=num(sum( { $ < DateTimeNum = {'$(=Max(DateTimeNum))'} , CalYear = , CalQuarter= , CalMonth=, CalDay= >}Stock15),'#.##0,00 L')
As you can see in the picture he takes the max(dateTimeNum) of all the shops. So only for shop 150 (the shop with the highest datetime is showed. Does anybody knows how I can get the latest stock of all the shops?
Maybe like
aggr(sum(Stock15), Station, [Artikelomschrijvi...], DateTimeNum),
-aggr(DateTimeNum, Station, [Artikelomschrijvi...], DateTimeNum)
Check the Field names, I just input the parts that I see in the header.
Hello Swuehl, Thanks for your answer. It's working fine 🙂