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hey hi,
I have a question regarding 12 Months Cumm...
Suppose I have 3 yrs data(2011,2012,2013) with me..i want that if i select
Mar2013 then it show (Apr2012-Mar2013) data in single bar
Apr2013 then (May2012-Apr2013)
Jan2014 then (Dec2013-Jan2014)..
In short On selection of Dec2014 i want that in chart data should display from Jan2013 Feb2013 ........Dec2014
n in Jan 2013 data of Feb2012-Jan2013
Feb2013 data of MAr2012-Feb2013
and so on
thanks in Advance
This is fairly easy if you have a master calendar with a MonthID field that is an integer the runs sequentially for each month.
Suppose in your calendar Mar2013 is MonthID 47 and you select this month.
An expression that gives the result you want will use a set analysis set modifier such as
<MonthID = {"<=$(=max(MonthID))>=$(=max(MonthID)-11)"}>
this is like hard writing <MonthID = {"<=47>=36"}>
You may need to add other parts to your set analysis to get the correct result. If you have select 2013 in the Year field in addition to selecting a month the expression will exclude records outside of 2013 unless you add the term Year = to the expression which causes the expression to disregards selections in the Year field:
<MonthID = {"<=$(=max(MonthID))>=$(=max(MonthID)-11)"}, Year = >
@ ! !
hey Andrew,
thanks for your reply but I think my question is not clear to you..
now i am attaching 1 qvw where i tried to do the think but i failed ..
In qvw Final Tab, please select MonthYear (Mar-09 )then you will see in chart called (Final table)0 value in front of Apr08-Mar09 ,
But there i want 100 as this chart it use to shows the cummulation of 5 months ...
It is doing cummulation but when the value of some brand comes 0 ,it don't do but i want....
For that i have taken calender Master also in practice then also i am facing the issue ..
Please help ..Its really ugrent..
Here you have an example:
Yes Enquire,
I am Attaching here what exactly i want.Please dont forget i want this thing with 2 dimension not 1.